The website is your presence in the new economy. For most, the website represents the primary moment of truth (MoT), the first point of contact for your customers. It can be a commerce enabled site or just an information one, the website helps frame the opinion of your customers and truly define your social reputation.
Very broadly speaking web design consists of two parameters. They are – web usability and web accessibility. At Creation Infoway, our web designers have nurtured and finessed these sets of skills over the years and watched their evolution. For us, the web usability covers important factors which are marketing related such as – sales and communication, user experience, interactivity, page layout, typography or even motion graphics. Web accessibility, on the other hand, has a discovery angle to it and has more to do with marketing. So even a website which is average in design may be highly accessible (easily found) and scores high on performance parameters like ranking of traffic and commerce.
We strive to make your website as unique and differentiated as practically possible. Given the importance of the website we make it customized and tailor made. So a shoe portal will have one look, an electronics portal will have one look, a multiproduct corporate site will have one look, and a flower selling portal quite another. The differentiation that we bring in is not only in the areas of creative design. We bring in differentiation in the areas of user experience and user interface. Due to the wide experience that our website designers possess they are ideally positioned to tell how a shoe portal should look like or what should be the best layout of that multi product corporate site. Either way, our website designers know how to deliver a winning design.